Blake Jamieson was a few whiskeys in when he started thinking of ways to hack Tinder — a mobile dating app where users rapidly swipe profiles ‘left for no’ and ‘right for yes’. Jamieson contemplated what would, in an instant, make someone choose his profile over all the eligible bachelors on the platform. His method, edit each photo to look as is if Tinder themselves had endorsed him as the ‘Match of the Day’. It worked.
Blake wooed over four thousand women to match him and chronicled the tale in a Medium article. The posts started to spread and he was eventually contacted for an interview with AdWeek which pushed the story even further. His story migrated to Reddit as users submitted it to communities like /r/seduction, /r/socialengineering, and /r/Tinder. As the wave continued across the web, Blake lay the foundation for Tinder Hacks… and so much more.
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