Richard Littauer was more than a few drinks in when his friend asked for feedback on the user experience of his website. While he warned of his inebriated state, the friend persisted that he wanted to know his thoughts. Hesitantly, Richard began diving in and soon realized that his lack of verbal filter was proving entertaining — yet surprisingly helpful feedback. The idea percolated into the purchase of the domain ‘‘ which sat dormant until a hackathon where he felt it was time to bring the project to life.
Setting up a simple, one-page website, Richard built his consulting offer whereby he would get drunk and make a video reviewing your website. Within an hour of submission, he was at the top of Hacker News. He had just under 100,000 visitors on the first day and within a week around 300k. He was interviewed by FastCo,, Gizmodo, VWO, Hubspot. The project quickly became massive leverage for his consulting work and has been ever since.
- The User Has Sobered Up — Medium Article
- Richard’s Massive Portfolio Of Projects
- A Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Guide
- Anti-Nomadic: Mental Cost of Living as a Digital Nomad
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