Heather Christianson is both an illustrator and a curious explorer of the social web. She was naturally curious when, in 2009, Vine launched it’s quirky new platform where users post six second looping videos. Quickly finding a natural fit for her humor, Heather started making new vines on a daily basis and slowly built a following.
While it was posted two years ago in August of 2013, her Vine titled “my favorite movies” was discovered and submitted to Reddit’s /r/videos community just two days before this episode was recorded. In that time it has jumped from 250K to over 4.6M loops and been shared by nerd celebrities like Mythbusters’ Adam Savage. Heather shares how the interconnection of her personal, brand, and portfolio pages is consistently helping her to better leverage the social web to develop her career as an illustrator.
- Heather on Vine
- Heather’s Portfolio
- Heather on Twitter
- Gross n’ Cute on Vine
- Gross n’ Cute’s Portfolio
- Bo Burnham’s Failed Magic Trick
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Music: ‘Exomorph v3 by Minkovsky‘