A few weeks back, I shared a story dubbed Power Of Press in my daily email. In an attempt to balance how much of the story supported the lesson—much of which felt like a giant humblebrag—the post became a 2,419 word behemoth. For those brave enough to read it through to the very bottom, I […]
It’s not magic, it’s human. If you’re not familiar with Peeple — don’t be. I’ll spare you from anguishing over the fate of the human race with a “so eloquent I don’t need to Google” summary. Essentially, it’s Yelp for humans. The Peeple app allows you to post ratings and reviews of other people. Once someone […]
Driving internet traffic is easy. Making something of it is the hard part. I used to live with, Roderick Russell, a guy so immensely talented at delivering puns that most conversations ended with me speechless and him walking slyly out of the room. It’s as if he had a time machine that enabled him to […]
Everything I needed to know about reddit – I learned in high school. I once fell asleep in a tenth grade math class and my teacher took the opportunity to write on my face. Being a deep sleeper, he had a decent amount of time to get creative and it wasn’t until he backed away […]
This isn’t for you. It’s for me. What I write here doesn’t matter. This isn’t for you, it’s for me. Think of a purple elephant the size of a tennis ball. It fits in the palm of your hand and, when you bring him closer to your face to inspect his tiny features, he tickles […]
I work hard and I play hard. Me without a social network is like a fish without water. When I made the decision to move away from the network I had spent eight years establishing, I knew I was going to have to use what I learned to rebuild in a fraction of the time. […]