Introducing… GhostBorg! The Chatborg Growth Strategist
A chatbot is a computer program designed to (attempt to) simulate conversation with humans.
A chatborg is a human, with abilities extended by mechanical elements, conversing with other humans.
GhostBorg, the first chatborg designed by Ghost Influence Labs, is an experiment in growth strategy and digital empathy.
Within our Giving Experiment, where hundreds of founder-level conversations were catalogued, we saw trends amongst the challenges faced. By mapping these challenges and our clarifying questions into a logic tree, we automated assessment and solution delivery. Our discovery was as simple, yet profound.
When viewed as a whole, each individual is unique. When viewed as component parts, each characteristic is common.
Enter the chatborg. We could only program what we could see so we created a simple passthrough system. If the mechanical element can’t (yet) answer, the human element intervenes. Each conversation with our chatborg—also deployed within Facebook Messenger—further develops the compendium it’s able to reference; in essence, every engagement further develops the Ghost Influence compendium of Living Documents.
While we prioritize responses and the development of new resources for members of Ghost Influence, we (eventually) respond to every message. Be forewarned, GhostBog often provides answers within a blanket of irreverence, sarcasm, and tough love.
Go ahead, click the chat bubble at the bottom right. You can ask GhostBorg anything.