It’s time to address the elephant in the room — and then eat it.
I know some of you have discounted these last few emails as fluff — ethereal advice that serves no real purpose and creates no measurable result. Christina did…
Something that took me the longest time to understand is that each person’s clock has it’s hands on a different hour and is ticking at a different pace. In the early part of my network marketing days I tried selling the ‘work from home’ solution to everyone that would listen (and even some who wouldn’t… sorry Dad). My choices, or the time at which I made them, weren’t right for everyone and even when engaging those it did resonate with I still needed to acknowledge their clock — not mine.
Reality is negotiable — most people buy as is.
Thanks to Alon S’s Instagram for that inspiration! Just because reality is negotiable doesn’t mean everyone is ready to negotiate with it. The road less traveled has less signage (if any at all) and can be more terrifying the further you wander.
Even the email about ‘focus ain’t fluff’ sounds fluffy… so let’s talk about focus.
Keith B. had this to share about his new focus on focus:
“Since doubling down on (my goal to) grow a 7+ figure agency, I’ve landed [well known name] as a client and one other client with 9 more people I’m talking to next week! I’ve never had this many super warm leads in the pipeline. And this is all in three weeks of focusing.”
Alon S. echoed a similar sentiment at the end of an epicly authentic email:
“Last contact we had, your response triggered me to write something… I even sent it to a friend, who published it and dubbed you a mentor.”
I am flattered that Keith and Alon credit a tiny element of their progress to the (often rambling) stories shared in this series, but the reality is — they did the work.
Yesterday I shared a synopsis of my activities, but while recapping the last 40 days with a friend I was blown away. I’ve written 30,000 words, been interviewed 4 times (3 of which approached me without prompting), was asked to speak on a panel, attracted (not sold) 4 new members to Ghost Influence (without paid advertising), referred 3 clients to colleagues, was offered and accepted a pay + equity advisor’s position with a mobile app company, developed 2 extremely promising partnerships, and managed a website redesign. To be fair, I haven’t done any swiping or (intentionally) gone on any dates so I have a lot of extra time — I’ve been focused.
None of what I just stated was setup in advance — all seeds were planted and harvested in 40 days. Even documenting it was a challenge. I kept trying to find exceptions… nope! That all happened in less than 1,000 continuous hours.
Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle.
In mid-December, I took a page from my (now former) roommate and documented my goals. I made them tangible with hard numbers. Loose, yet clearly defined, goals like the prompt for me to get my ‘BPM over 100 for 60 min, 4x a week’.
As I documented, my biggest fear this year was “further justifying my weaknesses”.
I dropped my excuses and I got to work. I haven’t reached my goals for 2016, but I look at the last 40 days and am blown away by what was accomplished. Keith B. expressed a similar sentiment and, rather than pull back, opted to double down.
If you’re reading this — I haven’t managed to scare you into unsubscribing and you took the time read it. Now schedule time to document your goals and actions. Get all dolled up and take yourself of a date. Grab a bottle of wine (my recommendation for this activity is a full bodied Malbec) and put pen to paper with no distractions.
Be specific, but give yourself room to shift. I started weight training and wasn’t sure if I wanted to set strength goals so I set the BPM goal. Low and beyond, Aaron S. got me addicted to the traveling rings and where I would have felt I abandoned my original goal to “deadlift 250 lbs.” I’ve re-committed because I like the activity more.
Once you have your list, you have your focus. What’s your purpose? Why are you determined to make this year different from the last? Answer that in the same space.
With both focus and purpose you will have directive. Focus on one thing and get your ass to work. Take no prisoners, make no excuses, and prepare to sweat.
You all are a daily source of inspiration and I couldn’t be here without you. Whether you find yourself needed an ear, a shoulder, or a hand — I’m just an email away.