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For general discussions about Ghost Influence tactics, leverage of Digital Empathy within marketing communication, methodology/data behind effective Growth Hacking, introductions to members, etc.
Our weekly hangout with members of Ghost Influence to address needs, share methadologies, and develop new resources with guest appearances from niche experts dominating their digital ventures.
For community-wide communication and announcements. All members are added to this channel, but communication is read-only.
Strategies for re-awakening cold lists, content techniques for growing your following, resources for tracking and ensuring deliverability, expert feedback on campaigns and individual emails, etc.
Access to formatting guides utilized by global brands, learn expert methods of hyper targeting and passive influence, receive direct oversight and guidance of your advertising campaigns/metrics, etc.
Rapid indoctrination into Imgur's democratic social platform, methodologies for designing content sharable within existing communities, strategies for monetizing traffic generated, etc.
Leverage of the same audience development tools utilized by influencer marketing agencies, refine your content/message to attract support, solicit corporate sponsorships or paying clients, etc.
Support creating magnetic profile copywriting/structure, development of leveragable professional networks, seeding of expertise to foster influence, outreach for solicitation of partners/clients, etc.
Optimization strategies that maximize the value of Medium's social publishing platform, methods for developing publishing partnerships, seeding of content off-platform for amplified traffic/engagement, etc.
Rapid indoctrination into Reddit's democratic social platform, methodologies for designing content sharable within existing subreddits, strategies for monetizing traffic generated, etc.
Development of Shopify stores from concept and sourcing to customer acquisition and fulfillment, cultivation of brand affinity, etc.
Community development and monetization business models (group consulting, niche masterminds, etc.), systems for on-boarding and managing resources, methods of member acquisition, etc.
Tools and methods for developing your following and amplifying reach, curation of content within your niche, leverage of your audience to monetize with your offer or those of affiliates, etc.
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