I swear I’m not getting lazy, just sharing the epic shit you dropped in my inbox.
I’ve been completely blown away by the response to yesterday’s 310K In 24H email. My inbox was unexpectedly bombarded with appreciation for Bill’s aptly titled editorial:
The onslaught of stories that were shared as you recounted similar successes prompted a mix of inspiration and validation for using an “unnecessarily executed, ridiculous project” as a marketing tool to acquiring any mix of clients, customers, and contract work.
It’s unfortunate, but I’ve seen it time and time again. People are afraid to exercise their skills without the prompting of a client’s project. Lack of time or funding are often cited as excuses to escape the investment into a project without a known path to a financial return.
Here are the three most magnificent reasons to cut the bullshit and start building.
The first story was shared by Daniel Hutt:
I did something similar [to 310K In 24H] with an article and case study which ultimately launched my consulting career and business as a whole. We ran a rather unique retargeting campaign and it caught the attention of influencers.
Seeing the interest, I went to a larger company with a bigger budget and ran a campaign for free just to foster the results and build a better case study.
Our site has grown through all organic channels, mostly communities. Our site was started after I had grown frustrated with people saying content marketing doesn’t work and seeing that most companies were just pumping out shitty content and blaming the marketing channel and not their strategy.
The third story was shared by Alon Shabo:
We generated around 45k in revenue for a 35 day old site and 50,000 visitors. I wrote a “report” about copywriting—with an example of one of my most successful sales letters—which was far more exciting than a “portfolio”.
The aim of the initiative was to publicly showcase my writing style and sales savviness. The result? Way too many inbound requests to work with me.
When my Facebook Ads Prank went viral on Reddit and the web as a whole, people said it was a fluke. I did it again and people claimed I got lucky. I’ve consistently had successes like that for two years and am still questioned if rapid (viral) organic growth is possible.
Bill, Daniel, Benji, Alon, and most of the interviewees on the Ghost Influence Podcast have stories like this. When you exercise your skills, people come to check out your muscles.
This technique doesn’t expire. It’s made unique by your skills and personality.
If you want guidance from people who have already walked this path and built—quite profitably—atop the foundation of their “fifteen minutes of internet fame” for the years that followed… it’s time to take a serious look at joining Ghost Influence.
“Was that a pitch Brian?! My you’ve changed.”
Yea, well members in Ghost Influence are seeing results and you’re not there experiencing the same level of growth in your business so it makes me sad… please don’t make me sad.
What is the most important objective for you right now? Who’s helping you achieve it?